Forest Church

Many people can describe transcendent moments in nature where they feel deeply connected to something bigger than themselves and Forest Church is a way to explore that connection within community

Forest Church is a fresh expression of church drawing on much older traditions when sacred places and practices were outside – but it is also drawing on contemporary research that highlights the benefits of spending time with nature in wild places.

Forest Church isn’t just normal church happening outside, instead it attempts to participate with creation. And it isn’t just a fellowship group doing an outside activity, we aim to learn, worship, meditate, pray and practice with the trees, at the spring, along the shore....

Forest Church Contact Form

Please contact us about anything Forest Church related – but if you're wondering if there is a group near you or how to start one read the Groups page listed above.

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Click here to visit the Forest Church Facebook group.

And click here for Mossy Church, where the focus is for all-age nature connection.

Recent Forest Church Posts

Open Sky Forest Church

Open Sky Forest Church is a gathering of people who want deeper connections with God, nature and each other, taking inspiration from the natural world around us to lead us into worship, community and action. More ...

Pleasley Forest Church

Encountering the Eternal One within the ancient boundaries of Sherwood Forest More ...

Forest Church Book

Forest Church: A Field Guide to Nature Connection For Groups and Individuals

Brimming with insights and packed with information, this book draws you out, quite literally, into nature to experience a new, well thought through pattern of spiritual practice. Bruce Stanley gives you all the resources you’ll need, both practical and theoretical, to get going with a group or on your own. More ...

Forest Church Tweets

Great to see how @RiponCuddesdon are engaging with @ARochaUK Eco Church scheme - love the Forest Church area made b……
18 Aug 22

Our Forest Church takes place on Sunday, 28th August, at 4.30pm in the Gifford Community Woodland (Fawn Wood), for……
19 Aug 22

Tremeirchion have their first Forest Church service tomorrow so the boys thought they had better check out that the……