23 July 2013 a post by Bruce Stanley

Forest Church National Gathering

Event starts: 19 September 2014

Put the date in your diary if you're interested in gathering together with other Forest Church participants for a long weekend of all things wild and green and Divine.

drumming circle at a festival

What we have in mind at the moment is a mini festival for anyone interested in Forest Church and related ideas. A chance to meet with other Forest Church participants from around the UK and share new ideas and experiences. September 19th to the 21st 2014. It is also a good opportunity for those interested in facilitating or participating in Forest Church who haven’t got one anywhere near to come and sample what it is all about.

It will be at Lenchwood Christian Centre in Evesham. Cost is very low, you will need to cover your camping costs directly with the lovely folk at Lenchwood. Then there will be the opportunity over the weekend to donate something towards the cost of hiring part of the barn complex for us to gather in from time to time, and if it is chucking it down. However, even if it is chucking it down, we will still do lots of stuff outside so come kitted out with full waterproof gear folks.

We will share an Autumn Equinox ritual together, which will be a collaborative event between several Forest Churches coming along, which will take place 3pm on the Saturday afternoon. We will spend as much of our evenings as possible sat around the campfire. Apart from that, the programme will be an emergent thing, that will take shape as the weekend progresses. Some folk will be running some children-focuessed Mossy Church goings on.

Primarily, we will be meeting to share ideas and experiences, so there will be plenty of opportunity for this in the form of talking stick moots. Please do bring instruments/drums, etc as I’m sure there will be the opportunity for a bit of Gorsedd at some point with songs, poems and stories. See you all there, let us know if you’re coming.

Post questions in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

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Your comments:

Just want to be outside in gods cathedral

#1. By Catherine on July 29, 2013

I have escaped from “church” I do hope you may be my oasis in the desert

#2. By Brian Murgatroyd on July 29, 2013

Definitely interested in any events relating to Forest Church

#3. By Julian Guy on July 05, 2014

Have had two experiences of forest church recently and am hooked! This sounds fantastic I would definitely be interested in attending.

#4. By Laura on July 10, 2014

Has any progress been made on this event?

#5. By Julian Guy on July 11, 2014

Definately interested, especially if it is Midlands way. More info please.

#6. By Michele on August 01, 2014

Can’t be here due to previous commitment, but love the ideas and would like to be part of future events. Hope all goes well.

#7. By anne griffiths on August 03, 2014

Hi folks, Plans are underway for the Gathering. It will be at Lenchwood Christian Centre in Evesham, Friday 19th - Sunday 21st September. If you have not already joined the Facebook Forest Church page where I am about to post the event details then please do so. If you’re not on Facebook, contact me via the Ancient Arden Forest Church link, and I will email you more details. Cost is very low, you will need to cover your camping costs directly with the lovely folk at Lenchwood (please visit their website and contact them for costs of this). Then there will be the opportunity over the weekend to donate something towards the cost of hiring part of the barn complex for us to gather in from time to time, and if it is chucking it down. However, even if it is chucking it down, we will still do lots of stuff outside so come kitted out with full waterproof gear folks. We will share an Autumn Equinox ritual together, which will be a collaborative event between several Forest Churches coming along, which will take place 3pm on the Saturday afternoon. We will spend as much of our evenings as possible sat around the campfire. Apart from that, the programme will be an emergent thing, that will take shape as the weekend progresses. Some folk will be running some children-focuessed Mossy Church goings on. Primarily, we will be meeting to share ideas and experiences, so there will be plenty of opportunity for this in the form of talking stick moots. Please do bring instruments/drums, etc as I’m sure there will be the opportunity for a bit of Gorsedd at some point with songs, poems and stories. See you all there. Ali x

#8. By Alison Eve on August 30, 2014

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