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from the Events category

06 August 2013 a post by Bruce Stanley. 25 comments.

Crossing Boundaries Forest Church 1 Day Intro – North

Event starts: 23 October 2014

A one day introduction to Forest Church with Bruce Stanley of Mid Wales Forest Church and hopefully one other if numbers allow. More ...

23 July 2013 a post by Bruce Stanley. 8 comments.

Forest Church National Gathering

Event starts: 19 September 2014

Put the date in your diary if you're interested in gathering together with other Forest Church participants for a long weekend of all things wild and green and Divine. More ...

Forest Church Tweets

Great to see how @RiponCuddesdon are engaging with @ARochaUK Eco Church scheme - love the Forest Church area made b……
18 Aug 22

Our Forest Church takes place on Sunday, 28th August, at 4.30pm in the Gifford Community Woodland (Fawn Wood), for……
19 Aug 22

Tremeirchion have their first Forest Church service tomorrow so the boys thought they had better check out that the……
20 Aug 22