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from the Forest Church Groups category

25 November 2016 a post by Bruce Stanley. 2 comments.

Open Sky Forest Church

Open Sky Forest Church is a gathering of people who want deeper connections with God, nature and each other, taking inspiration from the natural world around us to lead us into worship, community and action. More ...

30 September 2016 a post by Bruce Stanley. 6 comments.

Pleasley Forest Church

Encountering the Eternal One within the ancient boundaries of Sherwood Forest More ...

30 September 2016 a post by Bruce Stanley. 0 comments.

Essex Forest Church

We seek to find the presence of God in the open air and in nature, and to connect with the Divine Being who is present in creation. We seek to foster a love of creation, a love which will lead us to care for it. We look for reconciliation between nature and human beings, and within human relationships. More ...

03 March 2016 a post by Bruce Stanley. 3 comments.

Cheltenham Forest Church

We seek to learn how to meet with Christ in nature and the Bible. We desire to bring healing and wholeness to the relationship between humans and other species, the poorest communities of the world, and future generations. This includes reconciliation between groups that have been in conflict, such as Christians and Pagans, and the different denominational groupings in the Church. More ...

27 October 2014 a post by Bruce Stanley. 1 comments.

Wharfedale Forest Church

"Creating the space to find that we have already been found by God.." Many of us find this difficult. But we recognize the connection between the physical and the spiritual. As we play together, we open ourselves up to allow God to move and transform us. More ...

27 October 2014 a post by Bruce Stanley. 0 comments.

Wilcume Forest Church

Wilcumestow was the Saxon name for Walthamstow, meaning place of welcome. We seek to be a welcoming community for all who feel close to God when outside. More ...

27 August 2014 a post by Bruce Stanley. 2 comments.

Bradford SoulSpace Forest Church

Bradford SoulSpace Forest Church, a part of Bradford SoulSpace, a "Fresh Expression" of church, aiming to journey together within the Christ tradition. More ...

28 April 2014 a post by Steve Hollinghurst. 1 comments.

St Albans Forest Church

We are an 'Urban Forest Church' as we meet in the centre of St Albans in the church yard of St Peter's Church. That said, it is a large and leafy space with a wild area, growing apple orchard and other things that make it a natural oasis in the city. More ...

10 April 2014 a post by Bruce Stanley. 2 comments.

Wychwood Forest Church

Wychwood Forest Church are a small group of Christians meeting outside of a 'church' building and actually very happy to be outside, finding God by relating to the natural world. We'd like others, Christians or not, to join us on this journey of exploration. More ...

01 April 2014 a post by Bruce Stanley. 0 comments.

Avalon Forest Church

Meeting in or around Glastonbury, 2–4pm, the first Sunday after the festivals of the eight-fold calendar. More ...

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Forest Church Tweets

Great to see how @RiponCuddesdon are engaging with @ARochaUK Eco Church scheme - love the Forest Church area made b……
18 Aug 22

Our Forest Church takes place on Sunday, 28th August, at 4.30pm in the Gifford Community Woodland (Fawn Wood), for……
19 Aug 22

Tremeirchion have their first Forest Church service tomorrow so the boys thought they had better check out that the……