22 May 2012 a post by Bruce Stanley. 2 comments.

Nature Inspired Binding Prayer exercise for Forest Church

Mid Wales Forest Church began last Sunday, the third Sunday in May. We walked from a spectacular view point down a valley alive with signs of spring and through a long since abandoned mine and quarry area back to the starting point. More ...

10 May 2012 a post by Bruce Stanley. 0 comments.

Mid Wales Forest Church

For many the spiritual journey is most easily followed in nature; along the shore, through the forest, over the mountain. Mid Wales Forest Church is a new kind of experiential community group, open to anyone exploring that journey. Many people can describe transcendent moments in nature where they feel deeply connected to something bigger than themselves and Forest Church is a way to explore that connection within community; a new way of being Church. More ...

01 May 2012 a post by Pauline Warner. 0 comments.

The Bride, The Groom and The Tree

Every tree now garmented in fresh lushness. No longer stark sentinels against steely skies, every tree mellows and unfolds the greening of creation. Summer is a coming in. All creation joins in the pulsating , throbbing rhythm – the Dance of Awakening Life. More ...

01 May 2012 a post by Steve Hollinghurst. 0 comments.

Communion for May Day and the feast of St George

St Georges Day comes close to May day so this May Day Beltane worship has a nod to that day in it’s reading which combine the imagery of the mother giving birth and the dragon that represents the destructive power of evil – the themes of Beltane, the fire, the focus on fertility and new life, are also woven in. this si a celebration of the new life God gives and also a time to reflect on our loves and losses, the mending of broken relationships and the blessing of other relationships old and new. More ...

21 March 2012 a post by Ian Adams. 0 comments.

The Spring Equinox and the Rising Son

The sun is rising. Words and Pictures by Ian Adams. More ...

21 March 2012 a post by Sally Diana. 0 comments.

Spring Equinox Meditation

Easter is the only festival whose date is dictated by the movements of the sun and the moon. This offers us a great opportunity to interlink the mysteries of Pagan, Jewish and Christian understanding. More ...

01 February 2012 a post by Ian Adams. 0 comments.

lighting fires - Imbolc and Candlemas

Time to light a candle, time to light a fire. More ...

01 February 2012 a post by Steve Hollinghurst. 0 comments.

Reflections and rituals for Imbolc

Reflections and rituals for Imbolc 1st February and it’s season - The season of simplicity – Spring: the season of awakening. Also the feast of St Brigid and the festival of Candlemas More ...

21 December 2011 a post by Steve Hollinghurst. 0 comments.

In the bleak midwinter – a reflection for winter solstice

Tales, reflections and activities should perhaps fit their season. There are short words, vigorous tales and much activity for the warn days of summer; longer words, reflective tales and stillness for the cold days of winter. This is such a slow reflection for bleak mid-winter days, to be pondered by the fire and with knowledge that while some have fuel enough others struggle to keep warm; while some have company others are alone. These are mid-winter realties to remember. More ...

21 December 2011 a post by Ian Adams. 0 comments.

The Winter Solstice: into the unknown land, unknowing

It is as if the sun is reborn. The Winter Solstice, also know as Yule, marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year - a kind of rebirth of the sun - giving life and light to the world and to its creatures. More ...

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Forest Church Tweets

Great to see how @RiponCuddesdon are engaging with @ARochaUK Eco Church scheme - love the Forest Church area made b… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
18 Aug 22

Our Forest Church takes place on Sunday, 28th August, at 4.30pm in the Gifford Community Woodland (Fawn Wood), for… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
19 Aug 22

Tremeirchion have their first Forest Church service tomorrow so the boys thought they had better check out that the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
20 Aug 22